
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dedicated to my BFF from high school since form 1 haha... Lim Yuet Kim.. aka Monster.. Gold turtle...and so on haha...

Wei sapo... wanna wish u luck in UEC which is next thursday... and dun stress yrself haha... after the boring test u are free man haha... u guys have holidaz while i still in college study my ass off haha...

This is one of yr present la haha... a post in my blog haha...!! sorry can't celebrate yr bday ^^.. but after yr test v can go out de haha... with gillian and nok ling...

Hmmmmm... writing this blog is like you recording video last year for me haha... but i m better la cuz i oni write while u have to take video of people haha... very happy to know u haha.. And then hmmm u always think of others before yrself which is good and bad cuz hor u always make yrself tired lor haha... but this is one of yr best qualities haha... and u like to make people laugh with yr silly ways haha.. and cold jokes...and and yr driving is like a man who is drunk driving like mad... haha... and yr car is soooooo comfortable haha... next time go out u drive k.. i wan to sit at the back and relax!!!!

o ya.... music is yr life haha... whereas dancing is my hobby la.. haha.. while DBSK is nok ling life and for gillian u noe la LEE HOM!! haha... o ya... v 4 always make stupid promise haha a hous in beverly hills...form a band which v all tak ada experience haha except u la haha.. wish u get a new and better band la haha... and then v even thought of opening cloth shop haha... v design and sell which is funny cuz all of us dunno how to draw except me haha... (I m the best :) kidding...)

Many words leh haha i guess i should stop talking and let the picture do all the talking...

A picture says a thousand words... !!!!!

LIFE is sHort, lOve it 4:54 PM.
Monday, October 6, 2008









最難達到的美德:果斷 (Right action)
最難克服的執念:懶惰 (Sloth)

due to boringness and for the sake of updating my blog... thx ken lingzzz for the website to this quiz.. wakaka...... enjoy la....

LIFE is sHort, lOve it 4:58 PM.
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well... i guess everyone who view blogs knows that i didn't update my blog for a long time kaka...

well... i left it behind for hmmm....wow 4 months...

Well i m back cuz i m frusrated in doing world issue ISU hw..!!!!! FAN.... I DUN LIKE BIODIVERSITY actually.... i guess i m cold hearted gua not to care about the environment... but i care abt women rights thou... so i m not that cold blooded...

hmm.. let see what had happen past few months...

First is PD trip to my dear fren KY bday... it was so damn fun and i so love the hotel.. i feel like going back again... i still remember that day was the opening ceremony of the BEijing Olympic... well it start to get boring when all the countries athletes come out... there were TOO MANY countries and people.... but overall the opening was nice ^^ KY should be thankful to have US (lois,ME, monster,sharid,Arron and oppa sotong..) ^^

kk.. next is hmm... i guess i'll jump to august mid holidazz.... woohoo... go yam cha with old classmate so damn happi get to talk to them ^^ la la la...
oh ya.. that holidaz wa the day where i lost my whole pencil case damn sad lor... ot was my precious bday present from my close fren... and worst of all my PENDRIVE was in it... walao dat time i m so screw.. cuz my world issue portfolio was inside there and i didn't save extra copy...

Another thg is my dear fren LOIS run for STUDENT COUNCIL.. she was thrilled abt it.. she likes to do this kind of stuff ^^ well... we help her campaign... draw sticker.. draw poster.. even draw the table... make a mess out of it... then v tape it around D floor... v had so much fun taping... She belanja us ITALIANESSS which is damn nice lor... dunno y my another fren say not nice...

then then v celebrate mooncake festival ^^ v eat donut instead of mooncake... and light lantern shape like a goldfish..astroboy..sailormoon... very childish even the neighbourhood kids are not playing.. v are juz being kids while v still can (p/s: i m still a kid it juz ky..lois them are trying to act like kids oni.. they think they are still young >blek<)

oh yeah... jump right to now,, this is my last day of holidazz...
1. my account is screw..
2. my world issue hw is damn boring cuz i dun like biodiversity...
3. my eng have to write poem and i m not into that field...
4. my IB well... is nth special la actually...
5. know new fren who is a dancer working with BIG BANG(korean boy band)...
6. my BFF is dating and happi...
7. Skul is starting...
8. my bones are hard as a rock (need YOGA)
9. JUST STAND UP nice song!!!!! (female singer get together and sing) guys go n listen... even though i noe SUM love jay chow new song...
10. back to homework....
11. my dad is back from KOrea and bought 2 boxes of KIMCHI....
12. my fren driving (KIM) is dangerous
13. Eagle Eye not a bad show... but the plot is hmmm........ no word to describe...(u guys who had watch it are welcome to describe)
14. my dear fren kena saman haha
15. i got fat in one day (sept 27)

LIFE is sHort, lOve it 8:57 PM.


20 MDIS, Singapore
▪ ♥ eating,sleeping, reading,shopping, ice-cream & chocolates
▪ ♥ her families and friends
▪ ♥ traveling around, music, my tazzy =),my doggie
▪ new bag
▪ the 20th b'day
new haircut
▪ new ring
▪ new sandals
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.